Well, today brings a close to Karen's visit to the UK. We've had a lovely time and have seen soooo much in the short time frame that she's been here! Yesterday was spent just walking around London getting last minute gifts and what not. We walked all over town, down Oxford Street, had an awesome lunch in the park. We've discovered that we're pro at eavesdropping on totally inappropriate conversations. In this case, we had picked up lunch from Pret, and then spread our lunch on the grass at the Watering Horse. While sitting there, we heard a group of people talk about some very interesting... cough, positions. In any event, we thought it was quite entertaining, because this wasn't the first time an eavesdropped conversation had gone X-rated!
Also, street peddlers are officially on my no-go list from this point forward. It happened the other day to Karen, and then again yesterday to me. I guess we don't move fast enough for them, but I just don't see where it can possibly be acceptable for someone to REACH INTO OUR BAGS and try to help. On the bridge, as Karen tried to get out a few pound coins, the peddler was like, "Here let me do it" - meanwhile, I'm reaching over batting his hands away! The nerve!
In any event, as a nice conclusion to our day, we decided that Karen DEFINITELY needed to have her fish n' chips dinner. I really wanted her to see the boat and to also see the Ship N' Whale where Richard first brought me. They had an interesting snippet in the menu about the history of the pub, and just as I found it interesting, so too did Karen. It's been a great trip, and I can honestly say, I'm glad to know my cousin broke in her passport with a trip to the UK with me! We have seen/heard/done so many funny things [and shit] that I can't imagine having done all that with anyone else. I won't get all sniffly now, but I guess it's back to the grindstone with classes and studying! Safe travels Karen, we'll have to do this again! Til then...
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