Well, not to get too maudlin... but my trip away is drawing to a close. Laurel and I counted down today... and there are only SIXTEEN days left until I come home for good. I've got mixed feelings... naturally I miss my Laurel to bits (and the rest of the family of course) but at the same time, I've thoroughly enjoyed my stay here in the UK. I've seen ALOT. Met an assortment of people along the way, both random and intended. And learned a bit along the way. I know that I will miss the trains here, and being able to just hop on and go somewhere on a lark. The past week or so-ish, I had a chance to go to Germany and stay with a very awesome person and his parents. I cannot express my gratitude or how much enjoyment I got out of this trip. I enjoyed sailing along the Rhine through the wine valley to Koblenz, the mad dashes to the car to get to the train in minutes, getting lost in the neighborhood and taking a moment to appreciate the stars in the dark blue sky, and wandering from one castle to another, sitting on the patio watching birds and trying to lure them into eating from our hands. Thank you Nid, for such an awesome memory. My last evening in Germany, I had the opportunity to meet 4 other Y!PP-ers who were just as friendly and welcoming as can be, and I couldn't have imagined a nicer way to end my visit to Germany!

After coming back from Germany, I had classes and then hit the road to York, where I stayed with Jackee and Michael(#2). I was so excited, because Michael was doing my tattoo that I'd been wanting for ages! It hurt a bit more than some of my others, but then, it was much bigger and had a lot more details. Then we packed up and headed to Jackee's house just outside of Scarborough. Had the opportunity to see some beautiful cliffs and learn a bit about the town. Jackee has a tardus in her house! I was sooo excited to show Laurel when we did our Skype call, and sure enough, she recognized it right off the bat. My stay was just an overnighter, and I vow to visit for a bit longer next time and actually explore Scarborough. I popped into York for a quick lunch with Liana and to harass James one last time (although that was kind of a fail lol) and then back to London! Time is passing by quickly, and I've a few papers to finish writing as well as finals looming in the next week-ish. So I figured I'd post some more pics, finish my portrait background entry for the game and update everyone on this end! Going to try and squeeze in a trip to Bath and Dover if possible... til then...
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