Friday, 25 March 2011

Darts, Pool, Poker and Pubs!

Okay, I was supposed to go back to Guildford on Thursday... but I slept in til 9am, and then had no desire to do anything. Couple that with the knowledge that I had no obligation to do anything, and yeah, I was a lazy bum. I did manage to convince Richard that we needed to hit up a store or two and find a pub with a dart board. And wow oh wow... what fun that was! *this is the part where I have been urged to note that Richard drives like a maniac!* We hit the streets and start our travels for the day -- he's a good host. That's the only time I'll mention that, since dealing with his ego is difficult enough. Let me just say... ARGOS. IS. COOL. I never knew what a catalog store was, so for all of you who do... just ignore this portion of my post. But it's like basically shopping through a JC Penney catalog, at the store... and then going up to the counter, paying and then going to another counter, where they give you your purchases. How cool is that?! So anyways, finally got me a UK approved flat iron! Yay - all is right within my world. We also found a "Make your Milkshake" stand - and again... wow oh wow! Even Richard was impressed. And they use the Blendtec machines! Back into the locksmith van with the crazy driver (there! 2 mentions) and on to find a pub.

"*this is the part where I have been urged to note that Richard drives like a maniac!*"

The Black Horse Pub was fantasmic... quiet and quaint and we just stood around throwing darts for a bit. Richard isn't that familiar with darts, so I took it easy on him. Try not to die in laughter people. Anyways we played 21, because, to be frank, I couldn't be bothered to add/subtract/whatever ... and of course, had a few drinks. I've been drinking ciders thus far, because they taste great and if I've not eaten they don't normally kill my stomach. When we finally got the opportunity to shoot some pool... let's just say he enjoyed turning the tables around on me and schooled me. lawl. waah. lawl. However, all our fun must've attracted the older guys hanging out in the pub, which led to a 61 year old bus driver named Tony telling Richard about life and love. The accent was pretty thick, so I'm not too sure what he was saying, and to be honest, I'm not sure Richard understood what the guy was saying. In any event, Tony felt that Rich was a "worthy enough" opponent and challenged him to a round. Then he asked the bartender to fetch his cue from the back. It was pretty evident from that point that it was gonna go down hill from there. While the "boys" are playing a game, another pubgoer, this one by the name of Len (how I remembered this, I'll never know) is getting his pool cue from the back, and slapping a few coins on the ledge of the table. Poor Richard. hahahaha. Next thing you know, yet another pubgoer, I believe this is the Scotsman named Johnny, is putting money down for a round! All good fun, joking, watching, drinking --- and at that point I realize I've had a few and nothing to eat. Richard realizes this too, and we promptly find ourselves out the door, escaping the skills of the not-so-grumpy-old-men, and back at the Ship and Whale for food and poker. Because everybody knows when I get tipsy I should be playing cards and betting money. Yes, that's it exactly! Anyways, the evening ended well, with the exception of the younger person telling the older person about moderation and cutting me off temporarily. grrr. damnyouboi. The walk home was uneventful with the exception of me getting cold and demanding hot chocolate and then dozing off on the couch. Richard says I snore, and loudly at that. I'm going to slap the taste out of his mouth for that one... but I guess I'll let him live. REALLY heading back to Guildford today.... he's a bad influence. Til then...

Oh yeah... and the best quote of the evening comes when Richard turns to me and says,
"We just got rick-rolled in a pub...Good Game!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I feel like I'm on the trip with you!!! Great writing, keep it coming as I am living vicariously through you (sp I am sure it IS only 8 AM over here). I am so proud of what you are doing Audra.
