I'm sure you can tell I'm settling in much better by the upbeat nature of my posts! London is growing on me, no really... it is. I can't quite figure out how my finger nails are constantly getting dirty, and for those of you who know my OCD/AR tendencies, I'm sure you can imagine how often I'm washing my hands here. Wet wipes just aren't cutting it. Classes were much better, and I can already tell I'll get into the swing of things here. Still worrying about the people back home, but apparently (who could IMAGINE) they are surviving without me. Although, I've heard that Laurel has now taken the starfish position to new heights when she snuggles with her NiNi and PopPop. hahhaha! Welcome to my world.
Anyways, the most difficult aspect about classes here is that they meet twice a week, 2.5 hours each. And I'm so used to our 5 hour sessions back at IADT. I like to have all that lab time to essentially do everything I need to do and not really have to worry about that class until I show up the following week. But, just one more thing to get used to. My classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays, so for all intents and purposes, I have from Thursday to Sunday to do all the gallivanting that I want. I've taken these first 2 weekends off... but I'll start moving about next week!

Yesterday was great. First British Museums outing was at Hertford House. Our instructor is a riot. Very proper, and doesn't take any crap from some of the students. Which is to be expected though, since we're in these museums and he has to come back semester after semester... so when they are loud and rude, he gets cross. In any event, the highlight of my day, which is sad I know, was when we're going through the British aristocracy, and he said the wife of a Marquis was a Marquess. To which I corrected asked, wasn't she called a Marchioness. So yeah, my very British instructor was pointed the right way by an American. Big. Cheesy. Grin. The rest of the day went by in a blur. We had a fire drill at the school, which required me going down the stairs. I had a really bad rush of vertigo, and spent the rest of the day ill in the bathroom. Hawt stuff I know.
Topped the day off with my very first steak stakeout, while Richard went to change some locks and my first Fish N Chip supper since coming to the UK this time. We did it proper, getting take out and coming back to chill at the boat! No vinegar for me tyvm, but otherwise it was great. Mr. Floppy got to hug the Magners. I'm sure Laurel will approve. Hugs and kisses to everyone back home. Gonna enjoy this bright and beautiful sunny day! ta!
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