Well, as you can all tell... I've arrived safe and sound here in the lovely UK. Missing Laurel will be the trial throughout this trip, but I know she's in great care and it's good (in a weird way) to know she misses me back just as much. Where would we be without the wonderfulness that is Skype? That's all I can say on that. In any event, since I'm pretty much guaranteed to be carrying my laptop through most of my journeys, I figured, I might as well chronicle my travels and experiences here! I can't guarantee I'll be a timely and faithful blogger, BUT --- I can guarantee to include pictures, and really... we all know that's what most of you (at least my friends and family) are here to see :P That being said, I've been here 3 days and I've only taken a picture of Paul and Juliet's cat, Doris and Richard with the mask that Laurel made for him.

My first day of Orientation at the school was fantasmic... the photography studio is admirable with sooo much fun equipment to learn, and the Mac labs were... enviable? ok ok... yeah, I was drooling! I managed to set up my UK phone number, map out my trip home and replace my sunglasses that were destroyed on the flight! Last night, we brought the evening to a close with champagne (I call it celebration of my successful navigation home from London)... today's agenda is cider and ale! Today is Saturday, and the weather was beautiful, so we hit the pavement and walked all through town.
Up the market streets and over to Guildford Castle, visiting the Lewis Carroll monument (a statue of Alice through the looking glass) and then down back into the city. Found a gourmet cheese and specialty ham spot in the market and of course, fresh beers at The White House Pub on the river. Getting on just fine and dandy with Paul and Juliet and, of course, Doris the cat. Anticipating first day of classes on Monday... having a few cocktails until then...

My first day of Orientation at the school was fantasmic... the photography studio is admirable with sooo much fun equipment to learn, and the Mac labs were... enviable? ok ok... yeah, I was drooling! I managed to set up my UK phone number, map out my trip home and replace my sunglasses that were destroyed on the flight! Last night, we brought the evening to a close with champagne (I call it celebration of my successful navigation home from London)... today's agenda is cider and ale! Today is Saturday, and the weather was beautiful, so we hit the pavement and walked all through town.

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